The following coach & team manager related expenses will be reimbursed for the 2024/25 season. Maximum reimbursements up to 3 coaches & 1 team manager per team.
- USA Hockey Registration
- Background Check
The reimbursement will be in the form of an account credit (*exception: any coaches who will move to high school for the 25/26 hockey season will recieve a check).
Important: Receipts must be submitted to the Hockey Director to be eligible to receive the reimbursement.
Steps to Become a USA Hockey Coach
USA Hockey and the Coaching Education Program require both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Certification is also required. A few basic steps requirements are as follows:
USA Hockey Requirements (Must be completed before participating in any team activities)
- Register as a member of USA Hockey.
- Cost is $46 plus any affiliate fees if applicable.
- Complete the SFYHA Coach Registration on this page.
- You must register with USA Hockey before completing the SFYHA registration.
- Complete the Background Screening.
- Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training.
- Required every year and cannot be added to a roster until completed.
- Coaches will need to create/log in to their profiles, click the link under the home tab to the coach eLearning site.
- Complete the Foundations of Player Development Pre-requisite.
- Coaches will need to complete the Foundations of Player Development module before purchasing their age-specific module. Once a coach completes the Foundations of Player Development module there will be a 15-minute window before they can purchase and complete their age-specific module.
- Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching.
- Cost is $20 per module and only needs to be completed once per age level.
- Must be completed PRIOR to participating in any team activities and cannot be added to a roster until completed.
- Click here to register for a module.
- Complete the Concussion Certification items below:
- Click here to review the MN Hockey Concussion Information
- Click here to view/print the Coach Concussion Certification form.
- Find, register and attend the required Coaching Education Program Certification (CEP) clinic.
- The Cost is $60.
- You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1.
- You can take clinics beginning on April 1st each season
- Click here to locate a clinic.
- Coaching Education Program Certification (CEP) must be completed by December 15th, 2024.
For information on Student Coaching, select "Student Coaching" from the "Resources" tab or click here.
USA Hockey Certification
Additional Resources

2024/25 Season
Coach registration for the 2024/25 hockey season is a two-step process:
Step 1: you must register as a member with USA Hockey before you are able to continue with the SFYHA registration process. Each coach will have their own unique USA Hockey Confirmation number which will need to be entered during the SFYHA registration process.
Step 2: Once you have registered as a member with USA Hockey, come back to this page to complete the registration process. Reminder: you will need to enter your USA Hockey Confirmation number to proceed with the registration process.